Covid 19

Life after the devastation of Covid-19 will not be the same – not for the foreseeable future at least.

In accordance with the legislation governing workplaces in relation to COVID-19, the employer is required to provide a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of employees.

Steps to eliminate or mitigate any hazard or potential hazard before resorting to personal protective equipment (PPE) must be taken. However, in the case of COVID–19, a combination of controls is required, although the main principle is to follow the hierarchy of controls.

Workplace Protocols All employers must have protocols in place that include disease surveillance and prevention of the spread of infection:

  • Screening of staff on a daily basis for symptoms of Covid-19, including a symptom check as well as temperature assessment
  • All employees to use a cloth mask
  • Work environment to have sanitisers freely available or handwashing facilities with soap
  • Safe transport of employees
  • Cleaning of surfaces and shared equipment
  • Good ventilation
  • Managing sick employees

We offer a highly effective and unique solution for improved disinfection which is SABS approved. It is a form of germicidal shock treatment that bonds to virtually anything and is effective against 99.9% of all microbes that cause illness and odour. It is ideal for offices, warehouses, medical centres, clinics, surgery areas, hotels, pools, gyms, cinemas, buses, cars and trucks, helping control the spread of viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, spores and dust mites.

This is the first and only Residential and Commercial Spray Disinfecting, Sanitizing and Deodorizing Spray Service brought to you by your local cleaning company. It’s the next generation in germ-free, fragrance-free, allergen-free, safe and effective treatment that’s sweeping the nation.